Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Busy, Busy!

I have been so busy lately, I haven't even been able to blog...
Dove Awards, Turn Around Concerts, Recording and a bunch of other things have been consuming most of my time...

About a week ago I went to a Our hearts hero concert on a day I had some free time...They did great, along with opening acts Cassandra Manning, Haley McGuire, and Crashing Jericho...
All those bands did an awesome job, but Haley McGuire was phenomenal! Her and her band surly have a bright future ahead of them!...If you have never heard of her, you defiantly need to check her out. She is the next big thing in christian music!

For my birthday this year, I went to the Dove Awards in Nashville, TN...It was an honor and a huge privilege to be in a building with all of those musicians for a night, and to get to meet some of them too...
I know these musicians are just people, but they have influenced my life, not only in music, but the way I live my life and the way I strive to play every note of music for God. They have taught me how to do it right just by watching them...
I can't put very many words into the couple of days I was in Nashville, because you really just have to experience it for yourself to get the full effect.

I drove back from Nashville as soon as the Dove Awards were over and got home at 7am, got a few things, and left for Lincoln County High School. This is were the Break Free concert was held. I had to be there to set up and sound check and all that good stuff. It was a pretty crazy day, but was most defiantly worth it in the end...
All I can say is that if you weren't there, you missed out big time! It was an awesome experience for me to see over 40 people get saved in the 2 day time period, and so many others get set free from things, which was the main goal of Break Free.
If you did miss it, I really encourage you to come out next time...

This past Sunday, The Turn Around went into the studio to work on the new record with Dave Myers at Risen Son Studios in Beckly. It is huge privilege to get to work with and be friends with, someone as talented as Dave. We are about half way done with the record, and I love it! I really hope everyone who hears it, hears the passion and hard work that went into making it...

I think that's about it for now...many more blogs to come!
