Thursday, June 11, 2009

Atlanta 30314

30314...If you were to google it, you would find that it is one of the highest crime rated zip codes in the US along with many other statistics and numbers. However, there is one place that is trying its hardest to change that.

Last weekend, my youth group from South Point, OH stayed for 3 days in this zip code area at a place called City Of Refuge. They provide everything from serving 25,000 per month, to housing single mothers. While staying at City of Refuge, we got to help with many of the events that take place there.

6-6-09 <span class=Kidmix">
One thing was called KidMix. The kids came to the parking lot of the City of Refuge, and played hopscotch, danced, sang, and had an all around good time. It was a life changing experience to see where these Innocent children had to grow up, and how society had no hope for their future. I was happy to see a place like City of Refuge, giving these kids a voice, and showing them there is someone that loves and cares for them when no one else does.

Recently, an organization based out of Nashville, donated 10,000 pairs of shoes to City of Refuge. While we were there, one of the things we did was to help them sort those shoes.

All that said, I advise anyone who wants to do a inner city missions trip, to go to City of Refuge and volunteer.
