Thursday, July 2, 2009

New CD and June/July News!

June was soooooooo incredibly busy i only got to post 2 blogs...
I am going to try to start blogging soon after things happen, so we will see how that works out..

To start where i left off...
Like my last blog said, i had an incredible time in Atlanta.

Anberlin June 18, 2009
I also got to go to Alive festival in Ohio. I Had a great time, but it was unbelievably muddy. Unless you were there camping, you wouldn't even know the half of There, i got to meet and talk to Anberlin! I also got a picture with them that you will never see, because i accidentally deleted it before i had a chance to put it on my computer=[...However, even though i am deeply sad about that, i just figure it means i will have to go see them again so i can get another picture=]
I also saw skillet who was the high light, and always is, of the festival. If you haven't seen them live, you have to. Even if you don't like them on CD, you will like them live, I promise!
Skillet June 17, 2009

Hawk Nelson is better than ever now! I saw them at Alive Festival, but they got rained out half way through.
But I did get to go see them in Grayson KY on June 23rd, and they have never been so good. They did a great job, and i am super excited to see what they have done with their upcoming record!

Hawk Nelson 6-23-09

And last but not least for this month...
We(the turn around) finally got our record finished!
I am loving it, and i can't wait for everyone to hear it! It will be available to buy online July 13th!

For the upcoming month,

Today(july 3rd)- We will be starting the United With Love Tour in Columbus, Ohio @ The Mustard Seed Cafe w/ the Andrew Tyler Band!
This is going to be a fun tour, with awesome people!
July 8th- I get to see the amazing Switchfoot in Grayson, KY
July 10th-Another date on the United With Love Tour in Kingsport, TN @ The Fire Escape!
July 13-16th-We are playing at the West Virginia Church of God State Youth Camp. So incredibly excited for this!
July 17th- Another date on the Tour in Huntington, WV @ "The Focus"!
July 18th- We get to open up for Eleventyseven and Group 1 Crew in Dunbar, WV!
July 19-25th- I will be in Orlando, Fl on Vacation! Which will be very much needed after the upcoming month!

Be looking for pictures and videos of things as they happen!
and fallow me on twitter!=] @taylornapier
