I have been thinking lately about some New Years resolutions for the upcoming 2010!
One I am definitely doing is project 365! For those who don't know, project 365 is where i'll take a picture everyday and write a little side note about it. Then at the end of the year, I will have a whole years worth of pictures and I can look back to each day and have a piece of it!
I've been wanting to do this for a couple of years, and since I got a new camera for christmas I thought it would be an appropriate year to do it!
I will be posting the pictures here and on my flickr acount!
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
After The Storm

And God said, "This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come. I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth."
-Genesis 9:12-16
A few weeks ago, I had been struggling with some things in my mind that I couldn't shake and had been praying that God would give me a big sign to let me know everything was going to be okay.
As I was walking out my door that evening as the sun was going down and it had just stopped raining, i saw the rainbow in the above picture. I stopped in awe of the beautiful rainbow that was so clear. Honestly, I'm pretty sure I had never seen one like it before in person, only in pictures.To add to its beauty, it was also a double rainbow.
I took it as a definite sign of the upcoming year and the things that have been struggles in my life lately. I felt the double rainbow was a sign that even though I couldn't see the second one clearly (like I have no idea what the upcoming year holds) it was still there, and it was just as beautiful as the the full clear rainbow.
As I continue to struggle, I find myself with a since of peace, even though at times I have been very uncomfortable and frustrated. I now have to keep my eyes completely focused on God, pushing distracting things aside. Letting God take my life in the direction I am supposed to go.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Everyone please check out my photography!
I've put up a lot of new pictures!
I've put up a lot of new pictures!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Marysville, Ohio 10/17/09
On Saturday we(the turn around and andrew tyler band) played in a town called marysville which is about an hour north of columbus ohio. The venue was inside a super nice, big barn. It was cold, but we had a lot of fun!

The stage inside the barn...

I will be posting a new podcast in the next couple days from the weekend also!

The stage inside the barn...
I will be posting a new podcast in the next couple days from the weekend also!
Friday, October 16, 2009
"Love First"
Some of my really good friends andrew, derrick, and luke in the Andrew Tyler Band just performed one of their new songs called "Love First" on 107.9 WEMMfm last week. Its a great song and I really like the title too ;-)
The video below is the new song. Also everyone should add them as your friend on myspace... http://www.myspace.com/andrewtylerband
The video below is the new song. Also everyone should add them as your friend on myspace... http://www.myspace.com/andrewtylerband
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Update 10/1/09
Sorry i haven't updated in FOREVER!
Been super busy with the band, school, and trying to edit videos...
Been playing a lot lately...Just got back from North Carolina where I took a much needed short vacation for the weekend...
Tomorrow I am going to post some pictures of the trip and a new Turn Around podcast!
Until then I have the video below that is pretty amazing! If you want a good laugh, you should check it out!
Been super busy with the band, school, and trying to edit videos...
Been playing a lot lately...Just got back from North Carolina where I took a much needed short vacation for the weekend...
Tomorrow I am going to post some pictures of the trip and a new Turn Around podcast!
Until then I have the video below that is pretty amazing! If you want a good laugh, you should check it out!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
August 26, 2009
I am in the process of editing a new Turn Around podcast that I hope to upload by Friday!
Be on the look out, and I will be posting it on here and a link on twitter!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Signal Light Festival 2009 (Sutton, WV)
This past weekend I went to a new music festival in Sutton, WV called the Signal Light Festival! Line up included MeInMotion, Wavorly, After Edmund, The Letter Black, Day of Fire, Barlowgirl, and more! The place where the fest was held was very nice and had a great view. It was a hot, beautiful day in Sutton, perfect for a concert!

As always, After Edmund amazed me! They are a very talented, personable, humble group of guys who can rock! They played some of their new music that comes out in late fall!
This was the first time I had gotten to see Barlowgirl as a headlining act, and let me tell you they didn't disappoint! They have such a passion for music, and such a heart for God. As much as they rock, they know how to slow it down, and played worship songs such as rain down, oh how he loves us, enough, how great is our God, and more!
I encourage you to check them out along with After Edmund!
Also Barlowgirl is coming out with a new CD September 8 and is now available for pre-order at Barlowgirl.com!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Warped Tour 2009 (Orlando, FL)
What a great day of concerts! However, I can honestly say it was the hottest day of my life! 110' at one point!!!
My first concert of the day was Attack Attack! Their screamer, Nick Barham, sounded just as good live (if not better) than on the CD. And i'm pretty sure they did all their effects live!

I have always wanted to see Forever The Sickest Kids, but have never gotten to. They were better than I ever imagined them to be. Lead singer, Jonathan Cook, connected with the crowed like he had known us forever! Plus, their 3 part harmony was just as good as on the CD.

Underoath. There isn't much I can say about them that their fans don't already know. Aside from being in a huge, rough most pit the whole time(which was, for the most part, expected) they were absolutely incredible! One of the tightest band I have heard in my life. I would love to see them again, along with everyone I saw at Warped Tour!
My first concert of the day was Attack Attack! Their screamer, Nick Barham, sounded just as good live (if not better) than on the CD. And i'm pretty sure they did all their effects live!

I have always wanted to see Forever The Sickest Kids, but have never gotten to. They were better than I ever imagined them to be. Lead singer, Jonathan Cook, connected with the crowed like he had known us forever! Plus, their 3 part harmony was just as good as on the CD.

Underoath. There isn't much I can say about them that their fans don't already know. Aside from being in a huge, rough most pit the whole time(which was, for the most part, expected) they were absolutely incredible! One of the tightest band I have heard in my life. I would love to see them again, along with everyone I saw at Warped Tour!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
WV State Youth Camp 2009
This past week has been a long one! Good but long!
Monday to Thursday we played at the West Virginia Church of God State Youth Camp....it was amazing! We met some fun and crazy new people, got to know each other better, and has some good times! We went to the New River and climbed rocks on the shore of it. Played a good game of golf cart tag at 2am. Slid down the biggest slip and slide i've seen in my life. And experienced the Mystery Hole! lol
Good times, but VERY tired now!
New video of the camp will be up soon!

Monday to Thursday we played at the West Virginia Church of God State Youth Camp....it was amazing! We met some fun and crazy new people, got to know each other better, and has some good times! We went to the New River and climbed rocks on the shore of it. Played a good game of golf cart tag at 2am. Slid down the biggest slip and slide i've seen in my life. And experienced the Mystery Hole! lol
Good times, but VERY tired now!
New video of the camp will be up soon!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
To Start The Tour: Lets Run Out of Gas
Thursday night on the way home from practice at 12am, Dave realized that he forgot to get gas. We got stranded on the interstate for 45 minuets, took some crazy pictures and video, and then my dad brought us gas. The video will be on the podcast i'm posting tomorrow.
Here are some pictures we took while we were waiting for gas...
Also listen to the turn around's new songs on www.myspace.com/thaturnaround or www.purevolume.com/theturnaroundmusic

Here are some pictures we took while we were waiting for gas...
Also listen to the turn around's new songs on www.myspace.com/thaturnaround or www.purevolume.com/theturnaroundmusic
Thursday, July 2, 2009
New CD and June/July News!
June was soooooooo incredibly busy i only got to post 2 blogs...
I am going to try to start blogging soon after things happen, so we will see how that works out..
To start where i left off...
Like my last blog said, i had an incredible time in Atlanta.

I also got to go to Alive festival in Ohio. I Had a great time, but it was unbelievably muddy. Unless you were there camping, you wouldn't even know the half of it..lol... There, i got to meet and talk to Anberlin! I also got a picture with them that you will never see, because i accidentally deleted it before i had a chance to put it on my computer=[...However, even though i am deeply sad about that, i just figure it means i will have to go see them again so i can get another picture=]
I also saw skillet who was the high light, and always is, of the festival. If you haven't seen them live, you have to. Even if you don't like them on CD, you will like them live, I promise!

Hawk Nelson is better than ever now! I saw them at Alive Festival, but they got rained out half way through.
But I did get to go see them in Grayson KY on June 23rd, and they have never been so good. They did a great job, and i am super excited to see what they have done with their upcoming record!

And last but not least for this month...
We(the turn around) finally got our record finished!
I am loving it, and i can't wait for everyone to hear it! It will be available to buy online July 13th!
For the upcoming month,
Today(july 3rd)- We will be starting the United With Love Tour in Columbus, Ohio @ The Mustard Seed Cafe w/ the Andrew Tyler Band!
This is going to be a fun tour, with awesome people!
July 8th- I get to see the amazing Switchfoot in Grayson, KY
July 10th-Another date on the United With Love Tour in Kingsport, TN @ The Fire Escape!
July 13-16th-We are playing at the West Virginia Church of God State Youth Camp. So incredibly excited for this!
July 17th- Another date on the Tour in Huntington, WV @ "The Focus"!
July 18th- We get to open up for Eleventyseven and Group 1 Crew in Dunbar, WV!
July 19-25th- I will be in Orlando, Fl on Vacation! Which will be very much needed after the upcoming month!
Be looking for pictures and videos of things as they happen!
and fallow me on twitter!=] @taylornapier
June was soooooooo incredibly busy i only got to post 2 blogs...
I am going to try to start blogging soon after things happen, so we will see how that works out..
To start where i left off...
Like my last blog said, i had an incredible time in Atlanta.
I also got to go to Alive festival in Ohio. I Had a great time, but it was unbelievably muddy. Unless you were there camping, you wouldn't even know the half of it..lol... There, i got to meet and talk to Anberlin! I also got a picture with them that you will never see, because i accidentally deleted it before i had a chance to put it on my computer=[...However, even though i am deeply sad about that, i just figure it means i will have to go see them again so i can get another picture=]
I also saw skillet who was the high light, and always is, of the festival. If you haven't seen them live, you have to. Even if you don't like them on CD, you will like them live, I promise!
Hawk Nelson is better than ever now! I saw them at Alive Festival, but they got rained out half way through.
But I did get to go see them in Grayson KY on June 23rd, and they have never been so good. They did a great job, and i am super excited to see what they have done with their upcoming record!
And last but not least for this month...
We(the turn around) finally got our record finished!
I am loving it, and i can't wait for everyone to hear it! It will be available to buy online July 13th!
For the upcoming month,
Today(july 3rd)- We will be starting the United With Love Tour in Columbus, Ohio @ The Mustard Seed Cafe w/ the Andrew Tyler Band!
This is going to be a fun tour, with awesome people!
July 8th- I get to see the amazing Switchfoot in Grayson, KY
July 10th-Another date on the United With Love Tour in Kingsport, TN @ The Fire Escape!
July 13-16th-We are playing at the West Virginia Church of God State Youth Camp. So incredibly excited for this!
July 17th- Another date on the Tour in Huntington, WV @ "The Focus"!
July 18th- We get to open up for Eleventyseven and Group 1 Crew in Dunbar, WV!
July 19-25th- I will be in Orlando, Fl on Vacation! Which will be very much needed after the upcoming month!
Be looking for pictures and videos of things as they happen!
and fallow me on twitter!=] @taylornapier
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Atlanta 30314
30314...If you were to google it, you would find that it is one of the highest crime rated zip codes in the US along with many other statistics and numbers. However, there is one place that is trying its hardest to change that.
Last weekend, my youth group from South Point, OH stayed for 3 days in this zip code area at a place called City Of Refuge. They provide everything from serving 25,000 per month, to housing single mothers. While staying at City of Refuge, we got to help with many of the events that take place there.
One thing was called KidMix. The kids came to the parking lot of the City of Refuge, and played hopscotch, danced, sang, and had an all around good time. It was a life changing experience to see where these Innocent children had to grow up, and how society had no hope for their future. I was happy to see a place like City of Refuge, giving these kids a voice, and showing them there is someone that loves and cares for them when no one else does.
Recently, an organization based out of Nashville, donated 10,000 pairs of shoes to City of Refuge. While we were there, one of the things we did was to help them sort those shoes.
All that said, I advise anyone who wants to do a inner city missions trip, to go to City of Refuge and volunteer.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
I was thinking today about the month ahead of me... There are some pretty exciting things coming up...
June 4-7, I am going to be doing mission work with my youth group(journey youth, south point, oh), in Atlanta, GA...Also While I am there I will be going to my first major league baseball game, playing at a caffee, and seeing Paramore and No Doubt Live, both for the first time!!!!
June 17-20, I am going to Alive festival in Canal Fulton, Ohio ( and it is my first time going=]), I will also be seeing one of my favorite bands, Anberlin there for the first time!!
June 23, I once again, get to see Hawk Nelson...They never get old=]
And June 26-28 I will be in Nashville to finish up vocals on the new "The Turn Around" record that will be coming out mid July!!
So as I said before, busy month ahead...Really, busy month('s) ahead...(July and August as well)
Even though it will be busy, and stressful at times, they will be great months...It will most likely be the best summer I have ever had!
**i have posted new pictures on flickr...also be watching for new turn around videos on youtube...and as always, follow me on twitter, @taylornapier...
June 4-7, I am going to be doing mission work with my youth group(journey youth, south point, oh), in Atlanta, GA...Also While I am there I will be going to my first major league baseball game, playing at a caffee, and seeing Paramore and No Doubt Live, both for the first time!!!!
June 17-20, I am going to Alive festival in Canal Fulton, Ohio ( and it is my first time going=]), I will also be seeing one of my favorite bands, Anberlin there for the first time!!
June 23, I once again, get to see Hawk Nelson...They never get old=]
And June 26-28 I will be in Nashville to finish up vocals on the new "The Turn Around" record that will be coming out mid July!!
So as I said before, busy month ahead...Really, busy month('s) ahead...(July and August as well)
Even though it will be busy, and stressful at times, they will be great months...It will most likely be the best summer I have ever had!
**i have posted new pictures on flickr...also be watching for new turn around videos on youtube...and as always, follow me on twitter, @taylornapier...
Monday, May 25, 2009
Turn Around Video 1
I will be posting video of different things all through the day. The fist one is below, and it is a turn around video from camp tarhe(5-3-09).
Also, I posted a new picture to my cell phone picture blog...You can find the link above in the menu bar under "Cell Phone Photos".
Also, I posted a new picture to my cell phone picture blog...You can find the link above in the menu bar under "Cell Phone Photos".
Sunday, May 24, 2009
You can check out my photos at Flickr.com/photos/fragileexistence
I am starting a photo blog on there, and I will try to post a random picture there everyday from my cell phone...
Here is the link for that...
I will post a blog here and a thing on twitter when I post a new photo.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Studio Update!
The Turn Around has been in the studio for the past couple months recording our new record. Monday we finished tracking instruments and now all we have to do is vocals!
We are so excited for everyone to hear it. We have been working very hard on putting just the right things together to make it sound great at Sound Advocate Studios( formally known as Risen Son Studios) in Beckly, WV. Dave Myers, our amazing producer and sound engineer, has done a great job and giving the record a very professional sound.
We are taking a break for a few weeks so Dave Myers can move into his new studio in Nashville and then Me and Dave Miller are going down to do vocals and finish the album at the end of June! It is going to be released some time in July. A definite due date will be announced soon!
Also, we have already released a single called "The Absence of You" that you can hear by going to our myspace!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Last weekend, we played at Camp Tarhe in Blue Creek, Ohio. With GPS in hand, we left Milton, WV at 1:15am. The trip was supposed to take 1 1/2 at the very most, but ended up taking 5 1/2 hours! We started the trip by typing the camp address into our GPS, which a few hours later took us to a wood pile somewhere in Ohio. We then turned around and tried typing it in again which eventually took us to the camp.
We arrived at the camp around 6:30am and it was foggy and dark. By far one of the most scary places I have ever seen at night.
We almost passed up the camp, but found it thanks to the sign.
As we pulled into the camp it looked deserted from all the fogg, we couldn't see anything.
Me, Dave, and Jarrod got out of the car to look for a place to sleep and found a cabin, stacked some of the mattresses that were in it, and fell asleep. Falling asleep there was very easy because it was poring the rain on a tin roof and the sound of it was like a lullaby, it was pretty awesome!
The next morning we woke up and the camp didn't look scary at all...in fact it was pretty cool.
The camp counselors were there and they told us they hadn't cleaned the cabin we decided to stay in because they didn't think anyone would go in it, and had brand new bunk beds waiting for us to sleep in. I thought it was cool staying in the cabin we stayed in though.
While we were setting up for the concert that afternoon, we found this old piano.
On it, it said it was from 1849! I believe it has been sitting there that long also...lol
To our surprise it was actually playable, not only playable, but in good condition considering it had definitely been sitting there a while. The keys stuck a lot, but with a little work, you could play it fine.
The crowed was great and everyone at the camp was extremely nice, and cooked us some awesome food! =]
So if anyone from the camp reads this...We looooved playing there and we defiantly want to come back sometime!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Busy, Busy!
I have been so busy lately, I haven't even been able to blog...
Dove Awards, Turn Around Concerts, Recording and a bunch of other things have been consuming most of my time...
About a week ago I went to a Our hearts hero concert on a day I had some free time...They did great, along with opening acts Cassandra Manning, Haley McGuire, and Crashing Jericho...
All those bands did an awesome job, but Haley McGuire was phenomenal! Her and her band surly have a bright future ahead of them!...If you have never heard of her, you defiantly need to check her out. She is the next big thing in christian music! www.myspace.com/haleymcguire
For my birthday this year, I went to the Dove Awards in Nashville, TN...It was an honor and a huge privilege to be in a building with all of those musicians for a night, and to get to meet some of them too...
I know these musicians are just people, but they have influenced my life, not only in music, but the way I live my life and the way I strive to play every note of music for God. They have taught me how to do it right just by watching them...
I can't put very many words into the couple of days I was in Nashville, because you really just have to experience it for yourself to get the full effect.
I drove back from Nashville as soon as the Dove Awards were over and got home at 7am, got a few things, and left for Lincoln County High School. This is were the Break Free concert was held. I had to be there to set up and sound check and all that good stuff. It was a pretty crazy day, but was most defiantly worth it in the end...
All I can say is that if you weren't there, you missed out big time! It was an awesome experience for me to see over 40 people get saved in the 2 day time period, and so many others get set free from things, which was the main goal of Break Free.
If you did miss it, I really encourage you to come out next time...
This past Sunday, The Turn Around went into the studio to work on the new record with Dave Myers at Risen Son Studios in Beckly. It is huge privilege to get to work with and be friends with, someone as talented as Dave. We are about half way done with the record, and I love it! I really hope everyone who hears it, hears the passion and hard work that went into making it...
I think that's about it for now...many more blogs to come!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Thunderstorms are my favorite part of spring. Sure I love the flowers, and everything coming into bloom, but there is just something about thunderstorms that are peaceful.
The thunderstorms just kind of drown out all the other noise of the day and everything is calm.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
The Car Ate My CDs!!
So...this car radio/cd player, ate 3 cds a few months ago, but we gave up on trying to get them out, and hadn't gotten around to getting a new one until today... We took the whole thing apart and only found one cd... How it happened that there was once 3, and now there is only one you ask? Well...your guess is as good as mine...lol
The car dashboard after we took out the radio/cd player
Us trying to install the new radio/cd player...Not working so well...
Monday, April 6, 2009
Dove Awards
I literally sat and stared at this for half an hour today...
For as long as I can remember, I have dreamed of going to the dove awards.
So this year for my birthday, my Mom is taking me. Its a dream come true to say the least...
Saturday, April 4, 2009
"The Focus" Huntington, WV
Setting up for "The Focus" music venue in Huntington, WV
Andy being crazy before the show...
This was practice before the show started... It was a little room upstairs at the venue with one speaker and a small sound board... We didn't have any of our amps or pedals, we just ran through the sound board... It sounded really funny, you really just had to be there to get the full effect...haha
Someone gave us this bass because it was just sitting in their garage collecting dust, and they didn't have anything to do with it...
We think it is a bunch of fender parts put together, because their is no brand name on the head, but the body and other parts look like a fender...
We plugged it up, thinking the worst, but it actually didn't sound to bad...I guess that just goes to show one persons trash is someone Else's treasure.
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